
Pay Bill on SRWD Portal

Please try our new online utility portal to view your statement, make a payment, or review water consumption. 
Click the link above and register so you can manage your water account 24/7. 


For over 40 years, the Snake River Water District has worked to reliably provide clean, quality drinking water and fire protection to the Keystone valley 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The District manages, operates, and maintains 8 wells, 2 water treatment plants, 4 storage tanks, 2 pump stations, and approximately 30 miles of distribution pipes that provide drinking water and fire protection to thousands of residents, businesses, and visitors each year.


Latest News

On August 1st , we will begin a very significant water main replacement project. If you have been living in the Loveland Pass Village neighborhood for a winter or two, then you are aware that the water mains under the streets have leaked and been repaired numerous times. The old water mains are 60-70 years old from the original Loveland Pass Village Water District.
Last summer, PFAS was detected in the Snake River Water District’s water supply. It is important to understand there is not an immediate public health risk related to drinking tap water from Snake River Water District.
Some customers have asked the District about using a water filter in their home to remove PFAS.  While we can make no specific recommendations, we rely on the EPA guidance for such PFAS information.Please visit the EPA's Fact Sheet on removing PFAS with a home filter.

Press Releases

The meeting is scheduled for 4:00 p.m.Location: 0050 Oro Grande Drive, Keystone, CO and using Zoom online meeting (please call for Zoom link).
IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR DRINKING WATERPlease share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (for example, tenants, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses). You can do this by posting this notice in public places or by distributing copies by hand. 
The meeting is scheduled for 4:00 p.m.Location: 0050 Oro Grande Drive, Keystone, CO and using Zoom online meeting (please call for Zoom link).

District Map