Partnering With CDPHE for PFAS Analysis

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The Snake River Water District has partnered with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to address the detection of PFAS in some of the District's water system. Under the guidance and recommendations of CDPHE, SRWD has voluntarily hired an engineering firm to oversee the collection and testing of additional samples from all of its wells.

The UCMR5 results from the EPA testing in April 2023 indicated detections of a low level of PFAS at the Base 3 water plant. The additional testing has the objectives: 

  • Determine the presence and magnitude of PFAS in raw and treated water.
  • Determine the levels of PFAS chemicals in the raw water wells and the treated water.
  • Determine the concentrations of concern.
  • Determine if the concentration of PFAS in the wells varies over time.

The first round of samples were collected on October 16, 2023, and the results are being analyzed by the engineering experts. These results will be released on the the website when the analysis is complete.